Bienvenidos-Letter to Parents

Good Afternoon,
     I know that this year is going to be difficult, but I am excited to have your children in my class (virtual and in person once it is safe).  

     Right now, many things are up in the air about how things will work exactly, however I will be setting up my TEAMS classes (which is the main program that we will be using)  I am also going to be setting up Google classrooms for my classes as well.  I have been using Google classroom for the past 2 years and a lot of my resources are already on my google drive.  I will be sending an email later this week or next week about how to get signed up on google classroom.  

     Along with signing in to their school Microsoft account through the school, here are a few recommended sites for your child to get set up on with free accounts:
-gmail/google account (please encourage them to create a more professional email address for school if they don't already have one)
-quizlet (which I recommend they sign up with their google account)
-duolingo (again I recommend they sign up with their google account)

     If your child took spanish in Shelby County School last year, you know that we have proficiency based assessments and we teach for proficiency.  This is still true and we will be doing pre assessments at the beginning.  I am not sure how this will be accomplished, but I am going to try and make it as easy as possible.   Article on Proficiency

     When we do finally meet virtually as a class we will spend some time discussing what learning will look like and we will try to get to know each other in some kind of way.  One of my main goals is to build a community in my classroom and I want to try to do that virtually as well.  I want the student's input, so I will be sending out some google forms for them to fill out so that I can try to make sure everyone will be engaged and learning.  

     Before we get into content we will also talk about proficiency and talk about setting goals and expectations for the year.  It is going to be tough, but I think that we will be able to make significant growth if we all work really hard.  If your student has had me in the past, I am sure they know that I have already been incorporating a lot of technology that helps practice reading, writing, and speaking.  

       We are all learning the best way to approach virtual learning, but I want you all to know that I will be working really hard to make my class as accessible as possible.  If you have any questions please reach out to me, however I can't promise I will have an answer (we are all still trying to figure things out).   Also, check out my blog that will have links to resources and such: Lacasaespanola

Thank you and looking forward to the year ahead


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